23 Feb 2013 - 33km Coastal Challenge

Saturday 23rd February, North Shore, Auckland, 2013
After carrying out one 7km practice run, Moss accepted the mission to run the 33km Coastal Challenge from Arkles Bay to Devonport in Auckland. With two 200m swims, Moss reached the 11km mark of Long Bay in good time, but as Takapuna neared the blisters were getting unbearable and Moss was forced to continue in barefoot. His goal of completing the challenge at what ever the cost was completed in 5:00:51
Visit the Coastal Challenge website
After carrying out one 7km practice run, Moss accepted the mission to run the 33km Coastal Challenge from Arkles Bay to Devonport in Auckland. With two 200m swims, Moss reached the 11km mark of Long Bay in good time, but as Takapuna neared the blisters were getting unbearable and Moss was forced to continue in barefoot. His goal of completing the challenge at what ever the cost was completed in 5:00:51
Visit the Coastal Challenge website